


This group has been created with love to help support you through your fertility journey.

The Nesting Place ~ Wish upon a Star fertility support group aims to bring together women who are sharing a similar journey to talk, listen and share experiences & access support.

Our aim is to provide a positive space for women to connect and support one another through fertility issues and miscarriage awareness.

If you choose to join this group (link below) please feel free to introduce yourselves as we really want you to connect with one another through this time in a safe, friendly and supportive space where you feel you can speak from the heart with no judgment from others.

Support shall be given from members within the group to one another. We are also lucky to have Lauren our Wellbeing specialist, Coach & Therapist who shall be providing support along with some guest professionals that we’ll invite in along the way.

Look out for details in the group for zoom chats & coffee catch ups.

We really would like it if you could share with us what you would like in terms of support so we can make sure you have access to what you feel you need. You can do this by emailing me directly at kia@thenestingplace.co.uk

We understand this is an extremely hard time and we want you to know you’re not alone x