

Me Time

Sometimes we need to take ourselves away from the daily stresses of homelife, work life, just life ‘stuff’ in general to take some time for ourselves, to let ourselves stop, to breath and reflect on whatever is on our minds. Precious time to think, undisturbed to make sense of a
situation or just to simply ‘be’. 

‘Me Time’ at The Nesting Place is the perfect opportunity to do just that, not only do you get a 30min candle lit Back, Neck & Shoulder massage, but after your massage you get to stay in the treatment room, undisturbed, with a hot or cold drink and slice of cake for a further 30 minutes! You can just lay there and do nothing, read a book, and not have to talk to another soul and then once the music stops you just get yourself ready and leave the room…sound good?

After your ‘Me Time’ if it’s a nice day, why not go for a walk down to the local stream and sit on the bank for a while?