Georgie from Dreamy little sleepers says:

My tip for back to/starting school, would to be get them into bed earlier than usual, 30 minutes earlier could be plenty, do this at least a couple of days prior to their first day, and expect them to need early bedtimes for the first few days!
It’s likely the hours they need to wake up/be ready for will be earlier than they’ve had over the summer break, so this allows their body and mind to reset and adjust to the new routine.
During the first few days they will be taking in so much information, meeting lots of new people and adjusting to the environment. It’s a lot for little ones to process and so exhausting! Let’s give them the sleep they need to be ready for the new day ahead of them ❤️
Sue from little life Steps recommends:

I am all about preparation and taking away the unknown as this can cause those little worries. So here are my 5 top tips to ease transition to nursery or school.
1 Make a starting nursery/schoolbook together. How will they get there? Who will they see? Picture of the nursery/school/teacher. Picture of them. It all helps plant those seeds.
2 Talk to your child about what they are most looking forward to at nursery/school. Share your positive experiences of your school days. Who your best friend was? Their name, what you liked to play together. Your teacher’s name. They will love this and can ease their anxieties.
3 Have a consistent goodbye routine, whoever drops off the child. Practice this at home through play before your child starts. Even include in their schoolbook.
4 Practise “what ifs’ ‘, it shows them if there’s a problem, they can solve it.
Such as if a child messes up their tower.
Teach them to say
” Please stop messing up my tower. Why don’t you build one too?”
If your child wants to join in,
” That looks like fun, can I play with you?”
Dealing with a knock back is hard for some children too –
” Ok, perhaps I can play another day”.
Then teach them to shrug it off.
All of these can be done through play at home before your child starts school.
5 Think Connection and communication when you pick little one up say something like,
“Mummy has been thinking about you today while I was working/ cleaning”.
Children can build lots of pictures up in their head and they will love it if they feel important and that you think about them when they’re at school. It may even prevent those common after school meltdowns.
Zoe from Talking Tots suggests:

Have children practise putting on their pe kits and then putting on their uniform again – always a big hurdle when they start school. And help them learn which shoe goes on which feet by cutting up a sticker and placing it in the inside of each shoe – so when the shoes are put next to each other the right way round the sticker lines up.
I also utilise hug buttons to help with any separation anxiety – i draw a little heart on the inside on my child’s palm, just below the thumb, we charge the hearts holding hands on the way to school and then in school if they feel they need a mummy hug they can press their button and I will ‘feel’ it and send them some extra love and good thoughts to hold them over until they are home
The tip for this month

Bliss Reset Moment
“We all have times when emotions can run high and the summer holidays are no exception. I find having a reset moment when I’m very stressed, overwhelmed with children’s needs or completely exhausted just what I need to bring me into a more calm and present state.
The bliss reset moment requires your palm and your breath. When you feel like you’re on the edge of an emotional breakdown, take yourself into a quiet corner, take one hand and start to trace your finger around the outside of the opposite hand. As you trace up your finger, you breathe in and as you trace down each finger exhale out. Then hold down the centre point of your palm with your thumb and take three deep breaths reciting ‘with each breath I become calmer and calmer’. Then release the pressure on your palm and notice how you feel.
It’s great to create a little space between reacting to what you’re feeling in the moment rather than responding to challenges you might face with a more calm approach.
This can also work for your children if they are having an emotional meltdown or feeling anxious about starting school/ nursery or returning back to school.”